Michael Best has the knowledge to help you navigate the intersection of business and government, as well as the connections to help you shape public policy. Our practice group has extensive experience advising businesses, individuals, nonprofits, candidates, political parties, municipalities, quasi-government entities, and trade associations on legal, procurement, legislative and regulatory matters.
Many of our team members have served in senior roles in some of the highest positions in government and private industry, currently represent some of the most influential individuals and entities in politics, and some are currently engaged in outside activities in politics. Our well-rounded experience adds valuable perspective when framing compliant solutions in legal, policy, and political contexts, as well as providing clients with access to influential decision-makers and policymakers.
Service Areas
Michael Best’s Government Relations & Public Policy lawyers focus on assisting clients in the following areas:
Campaign Finance & Political Law
Advising on issues related to political campaign finance regulations, election laws, corporate advocacy and procurement compliance, ethics regulations, lobbying and political advocacy regulations, and tax law.
Defense & National Security
The Michael Best Defense & National Security team serves as trusted strategists and connectors for clients operating in the defense and national security space. We advise on business strategies such as government and public relations, investments, and government procurement; legal strategies encompassing intellectual property, compliance, and real estate; and risk management and compliance strategies to address emerging cybersecurity requirements and threats—all to enable a unified service offering unique to each client.
Regulatory Defense, Compliance & White Collar
Helping clients mitigate regulatory compliance risks and deal with government regulators. We offer a combination of high-level government officials, seasoned litigators, crisis managers, and full-spectrum legal services.
Regional Government Law
Helping clients shape public policy by providing comprehensive, strategic counsel on all facets of local, and state legislative and regulatory processes. We also represent local governments, schools, and other public and quasi-public entities, serving as special counsel on select issues.
Our Approach
Our collaborative and proactive approach is based on a clear understanding of the challenges confronting your organization—and your short- and long-term objectives. Think of us as members of your team who are committed to helping you develop a coordinated, timely strategy to meet your goals.
Through our strong relationships with media relations specialists, public polling organizations, lobbying firms, grassroots consultants, local counsel, and other outside consultants, we are able to build teams that deliver tactically targeted results. We also excel at creating solutions that address the complex—and sometimes conflicting—requirements of multiple state agencies or overlapping local, state, and federal jurisdictions.
Michael Best Presidential Actions Tracker