Energy & Sustainability


In the energy sector, every venture carries significant weight. Projects entail significant stakes and a wide array of stakeholders, with the added complexity of continuous market evolution and shifting regulations. Success demands adeptness in all arenas to navigate uncertainties and resolve conflicts effectively.

How We Do It

With deep regulatory expertise in the energy sector, a proven track record of supporting innovators and robust industry relationships, Michael Best’ Energy & Sustainability team efficiently navigates complex challenges.

Guiding through this landscape demands a blend of legal, financial, and technical acumen, and vast network honed through extensive experience. We excel in resolving disputes, understanding diverse perspectives, and meeting varied demands. Our expertise spans regulation and legislation, gained from advising on major energy projects nationwide.

We stand ready to assist our clients in the energy sector, from routine matters to unexpected challenges. Whether it's an unanticipated visit from an inspector, payment disputes with subcontractors, or any other complication, we're here to offer guidance and support.

What We Offer

Members of our team are staunch advocates for our clients, committed to safeguarding their interests at every turn. However, our extensive experience has revealed a critical truth: empowering our clients to retain control is pivotal for achieving favorable outcomes in even the most contentious disputes. This time-tested philosophy has guided us through decades of successful representation.

In today's dynamic energy sector, where stakeholders and interests are increasingly diverse, having a team on your side who not only anticipates challenges but also foresees future developments is indispensable.

In this high-risk environment, conflicts are inevitable — be it with partners, vendors, competitors, regulators, lawmakers, or communities. We never forget our duty to vigorously advocate for our clients and their interests in these situations.

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