Michael Best is pleased to announce that Associate Jonathan M. Bogues has been named as the Chair of North Carolina Bar Association’s (NCBA) Young Lawyers Division (YLD) to serve for a one-year term.
The YLD is open to all NCBA members who are 36 years of age and under or who have been practicing law for 10 years or less and currently has nearly 5,000 young lawyer members statewide.
The YLD is frequently known to be the service arm of the NCBA due to number of young lawyers’ involvement in a multitude of worthwhile projects and public service endeavors. The YLD provides a pathway into both the legal profession and the NCBA with numerous opportunities to lead and serve. One specific area includes recruiting North Carolina law students, as well as often being the first point of contact for out-of-state law students moving to North Carolina to practice law.
As the Chair, Bogues will be responsible for carrying out YLD’s mission of strengthening young lawyers’ leadership skills, increasing NCBA section membership, partaking in continued legal education (CLE) courses, learning practical tools and ways to research, and participating in pro bono and civic education initiatives. The NCBA YLD is recognized in North Carolina and nationally as an exemplary organization powered by young lawyers for young lawyers.
To learn more about YLD, click here.