
Jan 29, 2025Newsletter

Legal Bites

Michael Best’s Agribusiness, Food & Beverage practice represents more than 130 clients in every part of the industry. We serve clients at every link in the food production and distribution chain: growers, processors, makers, distributors, and retailers of food, feed products, and ingredients; as well as trade associations, equipment manufacturers, packagers, restaurant management companies, and other industry service providers. Our work involves M&A, real estate, environmental and other regulatory compliance, food safety, recalls, labeling/claims, intellectual property, labor and employment, litigation, commodity contracting and logistics, and more. Legal Bites is a quarterly newsletter designed to keep our clients current on legal happenings affecting the industry.

Insights From Our Attorneys

In 5 years, how will AI have changed the food industry?
Everywhere I look I see people writing and talking about artificial intelligence (AI) and the impact it will have on our society. In the food industry, most authorities believe the incorporation of AI will be revolutionary...Read more

Foodborne illness outbreaks and recalls are NOT evidence the system is working, says former FDA deputy commissioner of food policy.
A few days ago, my wife asked me why it seems like every other day we see another news report of a foodborne illness outbreak and/or product recall. The defense lawyer in me had an immediate response...Read more

Decision in microplastics false ad case reeks of common sense.
A lot of the work I do as a class action lawyer is in the false advertising space. And many of the cases I handle target the food and beverage sector; and are affirmatively bizarre. The problem is that some of the judges who decide these cases fail to apply their common sense and dismiss these specious claims out of hand...Read more

The FDA's new Human Foods Program is here. What changes can we expect?
October 1, 2024, was the implementation date for the FDA's new Human Foods Program. A full three years in the making, its goal is to “notably enhance the agency’s ability to oversee and protect the human food supply and other products the FDA regulates...Read more

Is this too good to be true? A supplement drink that cures hangovers?
As I get older, I find my relationship with alcohol to be a true health challenge. I have written about the growing body of research suggesting the consumption of any amount of alcohol is bad for you...Read more

Expect a battle as RFK Jr. attempts to revamp US food policy.
President-elect Trump's choice to lead the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is certainly a controversial one. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has voiced well-publicized concerns about vaccines, government conspiracies, and, on the food front, he believes that seed oils like canola and sunflower are a root cause of disease...Read more

Food dyes and chemicals are under fire. What will your Fruit Loops and Skittles look like if RFK Jr. has his way?
Even before Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was picked to be the next Health and Human Services secretary by President-elect Donald Trump, food dyes and chemicals have been the subject of criticism and the focus of regulation...Read more

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